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Selasa, 06 Juli 2021

Invermectin - Wikipedia, WHO atau Agen pemerintah yg harus dipercaya ? Bingung

Ivermectin is a medication used to treat many types of parasite infestations. In humans, this includes head lice, scabies, river blindness (onchocerciasis), strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, ascariasis, and lymphatic filariasis. In veterinary medicine, it is used to prevent and treat heartworm and acariasis, among other indications. It can be taken by mouth or applied to the skin for external infestations.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, misinformation was widely spread claiming that ivermectin was beneficial for treating and preventing COVID-19. Such claims are not backed by sound evidence. (wikipedia).

Kompas :  Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Erick Thohir menginstruksikan kepada perusahaan farmasi pelat merah, PT Indofarma (Persero) Tbk dan PT Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk, untuk segera mengedarkan Ivermectin sebagai obat terapi Covid-19. Pernyataan tersebut disampaikan oleh Erick setelah melihat adanya lonjakan harga obat terapi Covid-19 di tengah tren kenaikan kasus positif virus corona selama beberapa pekan terakhir. "Saya perintahkan kepada Kimia Farma untuk segera memasarkan Ivermectin dengan harga sesuai aturan Kemenkes dan BPOM, dan hanya bisa diperoleh dengan resep dokter," kata Erick dalam keterangan tertulis, Senin (5/7/2021).

Tempo : PT Harsen Laboratories ditengarai melakukan lobi-lobi dengan mendatangi sejumlah petinggi negara untuk menawarkan penggunaan ivermectin untuk obat Covid-19. Ivermectin merupakan obat cacing yang belakangan diklaim ampuh untuk mengobati Covid-19.

Pekan lalu, Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) telah merazia dan memblokir operasi PT Harsen. BPOM menyatakan ada sejumlah pelanggaran cara pembuatan obat yang baik oleh Harsen. Misalnya, bahan baku yang didatangkan secara ilegal, jalur distribusi tidak resmi, dan pemalsuan tanggal kadaluwarsa.

Lobi-lobi PT Harsen disebut-sebut dimulai pada awal tahun ini. Petinggi perusahaan itu bertandang ke Kementerian Pertahanan. Wakil Presiden PT Harsen Sofia Koswara mengaku bertemu dengan Benyamin Paulus Octavianus, yang disebutnya sebagai anggota staf khusus sekaligus dokter pribadi Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto.

CNN Indonesia :  Epidemiolog Universitas Griffith Australia, Dicky Budiman menyarankan pemerintah untuk memberhentikan izin penggunaan obat Ivermectin demi kesehatan masyarakat.

Hal itu ia ungkapkan merespons temuan Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) yang menyatakan produksi Ivermectin dianggap tidak sesuai dengan aturan dan berbahaya.

"Apa pun itu kalau tidak sesuai dengan prosedur apalagi ilegal itu harus dihentikan. Itu tugas pemerintah. Pemerintah harus menjaga kesehatan masyarakat," ucap Dicky kepada, Jumat (2/7).

Gimana ? Kita cek WHO yuk ...apa kata mereka : 

WHO advises that ivermectin only be used to treat COVID-19 within clinical trials

31 March 2021

The current evidence on the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19 patients is inconclusive. Until more data is available, WHO recommends that the drug only be used within clinical trials.

This recommendation, which applies to patients with COVID-19 of any disease severity, is now part of WHO’s guidelines on COVID-19 treatments.

Ivermectin is a broad spectrum anti-parasitic agent, included in WHO essential medicines list for several parasitic diseases. It is used in the treatment of onchocerciasis (river blindness), strongyloidiasis and other diseases caused by soil transmitted helminthiasis. It is also used to treat scabies.

A guideline development group was convened in response to the increased international attention on ivermectin as a potential treatment for COVID-19. This group is an independent, international panel of experts, which includes clinical care experts in multiple specialties and also include an ethicist and patient-partners.

The group reviewed pooled data from 16 randomized controlled trials (total enrolled 2407), including both inpatients and outpatients with COVID-19. They determined that the evidence on whether ivermectin reduces mortality, need for mechanical ventilation, need for hospital admission and time to clinical improvement in COVID-19 patients is of “very low certainty,” due to the small sizes and methodological limitations of available trial data, including small number of events. 

The panel did not look at the use of ivermectin to prevent COVID-19, which is outside of scope of the current guidelines.

Note to the editor:

Previous recommendations on the use of therapeutics for COVID-19:

  • Strong recommendation for the use systemic corticosteroids for severe or critically ill COVID-19 patients; with a conditional recommendation against their use in patients with mild/moderate COVID-19
  • Conditional recommendation against administering remdesivir in addition to usual care.
  • Strong recommendation against the use of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for treatment of COVID-19 of any severity
  • Strong recommendation against administering lopinavir/ritonavir for treatment of COVID-19 of any severity
  • Conditional recommendation for the use of low dose anticoagulants in hospitalized patients (this recommendation is part of the clinical management guidelines). We suggest the use of low dose anticoagulants rather than higher doses, unless otherwise indicated.


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